Improved Amenities & Facilities For Local Residents
In addition to the significantly improved hotel accommodation compared to the consented budget hotel proposals, the current proposals also provide additional amenities that will be fully accessible to local residents and other visitors.
The hotel will have a fully manned reception 24 hours per day 7 days per week (unlike the consented budget hotel scheme) which will reduce any impact on neighbours and help to reduce anti social behaviour in the local area.
There will be a restaurant on the 8th floor of the building accessible to the public via the main reception.
The restaurant enclosure is setback behind a parapeted balcony in order to prevent overlooking and to reduce visibility from street level. This area has been concentrated to the north elevation only over Victoria Street and will also be strictly managed and restricted to keep any noise or disturbance to an absolute minimum. Screening will also be used to further protect our neighbours’ privacy and peace and quiet. A spa facility and conference suite in the basement will also be accessed via the main hotel reception, ensuring that the street scene is activated throughout the day with a variety of on-site and passing customers, increasing footfall and supporting other local businesses.